1)Choose the products that suit you on our site

2)Select the quantity you need and click "ADD TO CART"

3)For colours to be mixed by code, fill in all the fields in the pop-up window that appears, this will help us to mix the exact shade for you. If you do not know how to fill in the colour code field, please write "DO NOT KNOW".

You can see the possible locations of the colour codes on the vehicle and the appearance of the code slip HERE!

In the case of industrial colours, it is sufficient to indicate the name of the colour series (e.g. RAL, NCS) under "Mark", the code (e.g. "9005" for RAL) under the colour code and specify the shade (e.g. "Black"). In the other boxes, enter "DO NOT KNOW".

Follow the description of the product to ensure that it does not require any additional components (e.g. hardener and/or solvent for varnishes, primers).

Refer to the product description for compatible solvents and/or hardeners.

4)Once you have everything you need, go to the shopping cart, which you will find in the top right-hand corner. See if everything you need has been added. If necessary, you can continue browsing the online shop.

5)Choose the appropriate delivery and payment method.

6)Fill in all the fields and don't forget to read our terms and conditions of purchase, and confirm this by ticking the "I have read the terms and conditions of purchase" box.

7)After that, click " PLACE ORDER " and proceed to checkout.

It's that simple. If you get stuck or if you have a question about any of the products, feel free to let us know at info@pintavari.ee or call +372 6556 118.

Once you have paid for your order, we will review it and send it to you by the delivery method that suits you. If necessary, we will contact you to specify your order.

We wish you pleasant shopping,

Pintavari.ee team